Shri Ramakant Maharaj on the importance of the Naam Mantra: It has its origin in Dattatreya, the legendary 'First Guru', over a thousand years ago, and has been passed down the long line of illustrious Masters. The Naam is often called the 'Master Key' because it is empowered by these great Masters. It is a powerful tool for erasing illusion and opening the door to Reality.
Shri Ramakant Maharaj on the importance of the Naam Mantra: It has its origin in Dattatreya, the legendary 'First Guru', over a thousand years ago, and has been passed down the long line of illustrious Masters. The Naam is often called the 'Master Key' because it is empowered by these great Masters. It is a powerful tool for erasing illusion and opening the door to Reality.

Navnath Sampradaya
Nine Masters Lineage
Nine Masters Lineage


Inchegiri Navnath Sampradaya



See also "Inchegiri Navnath Sampradaya Table"
for more on Shri Ramakant Maharaj and the lineage.
Some lineage teachings:
for more on Shri Ramakant Maharaj and the lineage.
Some lineage teachings:

"I am One with the Devotee.
There is no other Self except Me in any being.
This is Oneness without a second."
"The concept of one's self" is an illusion.
There is only "One Self" in the world."
Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj:
"The darkness that you see when you close your eyes, that
is the shadow of the Guru's grace; don't forget it, always
keep it in mind. Take rest in the shadow of the Guru's
grace. Whenever you remember the words of the Guru you
are in the shade of the Guru's grace. Neither jet black nor
very bright, halfway between them, that is the shadow.
That deep, dark blue state is the grace of the Sat-Guru."
Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Extract from "Floral Offerings" Chapter of the book Self Knowledge and Self Realisation:
"I am luminous, I am like ether,
I am Formless, pure and bodiless".
"This should be your intense and speechless meditation every day,
before going to sleep at least."
"The Guru is with you now, serve him with care."
Shri Ramakant Maharaj:
In our lineage, the Masters direct approach together with the power of the Naam Mantra drives the devotee to enlightenment. It is very simple: You must have complete faith in yourself, in the Master, and in the power of the mantra.

"Your spontaneous presence is
silent, anonymous, invisible,
unidentified identity."