What Happens When You Meet a Genuine Guru?
Shri Ramakant Maharaj - Successor to Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Thiry five years after the passing of his Master, Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, we had the good fortune to have a living, Self-Realized Master in the form of Shri Ramakant Maharaj in our midst. Who would have thought there would be a successor to Nisargadatta Maharaj! For a whole generation, Neo-Advaitin Non-duality was all that many seekers had known, and misguidedly took to be the whole truth until Shri Ramakant emerged and raised the bar.
Ramakant Maharaj met his Master, Shri Nisargadatta, in 1962 and remained in close
proximity till 1981. Shri Ramakant's teachings published in Selfless
Self: Talks with Shri Ramakant Maharaj are
powerful, direct, transforming,
unprecedented in its
simplicity. He was a
unique Teacher in that he shared Ultimate Truth
spontaneously from Source. Unlike so many other contemporary
teachers, who talk and talk endlessly from the mind and intellect,
what Maharaj calls "body-knowledge”, or second-hand knowledge,
Shri Ramakant spoke from Thoughtless Reality. This authentic Guru was
liberated from the confines of the body-mind. He was a walking, talking
Ultimate Reality. His teachings published in "Selfless Self" and "Ultimate Truth" are revolutionary. He never waivers
from his absolute stance, dismissing all concepts on the way, and
guiding seekers to Reality prior to the body-form.

The Guru is not a person, he is the impersonal, unmanifest Absolute in manifest form. So, what does this really mean? Being in the Presence of the Guru is indeed a rare and wonderful opportunity because when you meet the Guru, you meet yourself. He acts as a mirror in which you can see your true nature. The Guru's transparency enables you to see your Reality clearly, in full light.
Guru brings you into the spaceless, thoughtless, timeless realm.
Within this spontaneous merging, the melting process of the illusory
individual begins. He assists you on your journey back Home,
hammering at the illusory layers, until everything dissolves
completely and Oneness is revealed. Something Onederful definitely happens
when you meet a genuine Guru.
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